About us

Yushi Osawa
Keiko Osawa

Contact us

We encountered fruit bats in 1988 for the first time. Instantly, we were fascinated by these cute animals. Since then we have enthusiastically promoted fruit bats to the public. We are aspiring bat ambassadors or commentators.

We quit our previous jobs in March, 2006. Since then Yushi has been a freelance photographer and a nature writer. Keiko has been a freelance nature writer.

We drove across Australia from June 2006 to June 2007 with a travel trailer, watched Australian wildlife and took pictures of them. After returning to Japan, we have continued to travel to see fruit bats around the world.

Executive members of the Bat Study and Conservation Group of Japan

Brief summary of our performance

Magazines and Newspapers Article titles
Apr. 1992 "Recycle culture" Vol.34 Recycle project in Albany, NY, USA Yushi Osawa, Keiko Osawa
Dec. 1999 "Birder" (Bunich-sogo-shuppan) December 1999 Birdwatching in Acadia National Park, USA
May. 2000 "Birder" (Bunich-sogo-shuppan) May 2000 American Samoa, a southern hemisphere US territory
Aug. 7, 2001 "Biodiversity in Tokyo"The 56th Japan Association of Biology Education Conference in Tokyo commemoration booklet by Biology teacher's association of Tokyo Bat fauna in Tokyo  Keiko Osawa
Feb. 2002 "Birder" (Bunich-sogo-shuppan) February 2002 Bird watching in the Republic of the Seychells 1
Mar. 2002 "Birder" (Bunich-sogo-shuppan) March 2002 Bird watching in the Republic of the Seychells 2
Oct. 29, 2003 Yomiuri Sinbun evening edition Bonin Flying Fox, on the brink of extinction Yushi Osawa
Nov. 5, 2003 Yomiuri Sinbun evening edition Ryukyu Flying Fox in Kuchierabu Island and the Tokara Islands, on the brink of extinction Yushi Osawa
Jul. 2004 "Everything about bat" by Kashiwazaki City Museum Our bat collection: From God to Devil
Jan. 2007 "Green Power" by Forest Culuture Association From January issue 2007 to December issue 2007 Travel trailer trip looking at Australian nature
Jan. 2007 "AutoCamper" Yaeshu-shuppann Every odd number issue from January 2007 to July 2008 Travel trailer trip across Australian continent
May. 2009 Nikkei Science May issue 2009 "Taking wing" Scientific American by Dr. Nancy Simmons (translation and comment)
Oct. 2009 "Tyagurin" Ienohikari Association October issue 2009 Wild world " Fruit bats"
Jul. 2010 "Birder" (Bunich-sogo-shuppan) July issue 2010 Bird watching on Australian territory of Christmas Island 1st Part
Aug. 2010 "Birder" (Bunich-sogo-shuppan) August issue 2010 Bird watching on Australian territory of Christmas Island 2nd Part
Mar. 2011 The Bat Study and Conservation Group of Japan Newsletter Vol.18 No.1 Ryukyu flying foxes watching on Batan Island, Philippines Keiko Osawa Yushi Osawa
Dec. 2012  The Bat Study and Conservation Group of Japan Newsletter Vol.19 No.1 Bat Camp in the Philippines  Keiko Osawa Yushi Osawa
Jun. 2014 The Bat Study and Conservation Group of Japan Newsletter Vol.21 No.1  Pipistrellus abramus and Vespertilio sinensis hunting Stenopsyche marmorata Keiko Osawa yushi Osawa
Jun. 2014 The Bat Study and Conservation Group of Japan Newsletter Vol.21 No.1  Our Bat Watching Trip across the US  Keiko Osawa Yushi Osawa
Sep. 1, 2014 TOKYO BIRDERS Newsletter YURIKAMOME No.707 Bats flying over Tokyo Keiko Osawa Yushi Osawa
Sep. 30, 2014 Urban-bird Society of Japan Newsletter URBAN BIRDS No.17 Urban-dwelling bats Keiko Osawa Yushi Osawa
Dec. 5, 2014 Socity of Science Photography's Quarterly Journal Bat Photography  Yushi Osawa
Jan. 18, 2015  Shincho 45 January 2015 issue Serial interview with experts"Citizenship for bats!"  
Mar. 1, 2015 WWF-Japan Newsletter March-April 2015 issue Visiting bats across the world Yushi Osawa Keiko Osawa 
Aug. 7, 14, 21, & 28, 2015 Japanese Communist Party's New Papaer AKAHATA Friday series What bats have to say  Yushi Osawa Keiko Osawa 
Scientific Papers, Academic presentation
1990 Journal of the Yamashina Instritute for Ornithology Volume22(2) A bird list on Minami-daito Island Keiko Osawa and Yushi Osawa
Oct. 3, 1999 Symposium "Action plan for bat conservation in Japan"at the Mammalogical Society of Japan Conference Oran presentation "Japanese fruit bat conservation"
2006 Mammalian Science,Volume46(1) Short Report  The distribution of Ryukyu Flying Foxes Pteropus dasymallus inopinatus near Okinawa Island. : Recent observation of the species on Yoron Island Yoshitake Funakoshi, Yushi Osawa and Keiko Osawa 
Apr. 19-21, 2006 12th Australasian Bat Society Conference 2006 Poster presentation "Flying foxes in Japan" Keiko Osawa and Yushi Osawa
Sep. 18-20, 2010 Mammalogical Society of Japan Conference Poster presentation "Status of Ryukyu Flying Foxes (Pteropus dasymallus) in Batan Island, Philippines" Yushi Osawa and Keiko Osawa
Jun. 6-9, 2010 2nd Southeastasian Bat Conference Poster presentation "Court color variation of Ryukyu Flying Foxes Pteropus dasymallus in many different locations" Keiko Osawa and Yushi Osawa
Mar. 30, 2012 Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History 6 Short Note New Wintering Spots of Vespertilio sinensis in Saitama, Japan Yushi Osawa, Katsuhiko Ishii, Keiko Osawa, Mihoko Okumura, Tohru Usui and Akiyoshi Sato
2012 Bull. Gumma Mus. Natu. Hist. (16) 131-144, 2012 Bats in Minakami, Gumma Prefecture  Naoko Sasaki, Akiko Mikasa, Dai Fukui, Satoko Yoshikura, Masahiko Mizuno, Hideo Imai, Keiko Osawa, Yushi Osawa, Akihiko Sato, Satomi Nobuchi, Nobuhiko Honda, Ko Mineshita, Taku Fujita, and Seiichi Dewa
Sep. 20-23, 2012 Mammalogical Society of Japan Conference Poster presentation "Three species of bats roosting in crevices of Shinkansen railway in Saitama" Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, Yushi Osawa, Setsuko Katsuta 
Sep. 20-23, 2012 Mammalogical Society of Japan Conference  Poster presentation "A newly discovered maternity colony and the winter population of Asian parti-coloured bat in Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture Tatsuya Kasahi, Yushi Osawa, Keiko Osawa, Koo Mineshita, Takayori Shimizu,and Mitsuru Mukohyama  
Nov. 2012 Saitama Konchu Danwakai Newsletter Yosegaki 147:76-77 First record of Cimex japonicus in Saitama Akiyoshi Sato, Setsuko Katsuta, Keiko Osawa, and Yushi Osawa
Dec. 2012  Mammalian Science,Volume52(2):179-184 Short Report  First record of the Orii’s flying-fox, Pteropus dasymallus inopinatus on Okinoerabu-jima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, with special reference to their inhabitation  Kimitake Funakoshi, Yushi Osawa, and Keiko Osawa
Mar. 2013 Buletin of Saitama River Museum(13):1-12 Activities of Vespertilio sinensis at Saitama River Museum from autumn to spring Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, Yushi Osawa, Setsuko Katsuta, and Katsuhiko Ishii 
Mar. 25, 2013 Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History 7:95-100 Seasonal population dynamics of Vespertilio sinensis at Kojima, Kumagaya, Saitama, Japan  Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, Yushi Osawa, and Setsuko Katsuta
Mar. 25, 2013 Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History 7:101-108 Winter ecology of the birdlike nocture (Nyctalus aviator) in Saitama Prefecture Akiyoshi Sato Yushi Osawa Keiko Osawa and Setsuko Katsuta 
Mar. 3013  Bull. Gumma Mus. Natu. Hist. (17) 131-146, 2013 A newly discovered maternity colony and the winter population of the Asian Parti-colored bat Vespertilio sinensis in the elevated railways of the Joetsu-Shinkansenin Gunma Prefecture Tetsuya Kasahi, Yushi Osawa, Keiko Osawa, Koo Mineshita, Takayori Shimizu, and Mitsuru Mukohyama
May 26, 2013 Fauna Ryukyuana 4:1-3 Distribution of the Yaeyama flying-fox Pteropus dasymallus yayeyamae Kuroda,1933 (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) on the Miyako Islands Keiko Osawa & Yushi Osawa
May 26, 2013 Fauna Ryukyuana 4:5-7  A new record of the Ryukyu flying-fox Pteropus dasymallus Temminck, 1825 (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Aguni-jima Island Keiko Osawa, Kenji Takehara, Masakuni Yamashiro, Masayoshi Shikata & Yushi Osawa 
May 26, 2013  Fauna Ryukyuana 4:9-11 A new record of the Ryukyu flying-fox Pteropus dasymallus Temminck, 1825 (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Kume-jima Island   Keiko Osawa & Yushi Osawa  
Sep. 6-9, 2013  The joint meeting of the 29th Japan Primate Society annual meeting and Mammalogical Society of Japan 2013  Daytime Activities of Nyctalus aviator  Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, Yushi Osawa, and Setsuko Katsuta
Mar. 20, 2014 Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History 8:45-48 Food Habits of the birdlike noctule (Nyctalus aviator) in Saitama Prefecture. The analysis of feces collected at Kojima, Kumagaya in 2012 Setsuko Katsuta, Akiyoshi Sato, Yushi Osawa, and Keiko Osawa 
Mar. 20, 2014 Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History 8:49-52  Hibernation and maternal colonies of Vesperilio sinensis in the cracks of the raised Shinkansen railway in Saitama, Japan  Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, Setsuko Katsuta, and Yushi Osawa 
Jul. 31, 2014  Saitama Konchu Danwakai Newsletter Yosegaki 154:50-52 Second record of Cimex japonicus in Saitama on a birdlike noctule Akiyoshi Sato, Setsuko Katsuta, Keiko Osawa, Yushi Osawa, and Kazuhiko Machida 
Sep. 4-7, 2014 Mammalogical Society of Japan Conference Poster presentation"First recorded breeding of the Birdlike Noctule Nyctalus aviator in spaces between concrete sections of the Joetsu Shinkansen railway in Kumagaya, Saitama" Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, Setsuko Katsuta, and Yushi Osawa 
May 2015 Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History 9:35-40  Hibernating and maternal colonies of Pipistrellus abramus in the crevices of the raised Shinkansen railway in Saitama, Japan Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, Setsuko Katsuta, and Yushi Osawa  
Jul. 26-30, 2015 Vth International Wildlife Management Congress  Daytime Activities of Birdlike Noctule in Saitama  Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, Yushi Osawa, and Setsuko Katsuta 
Jan. 2016 Saitama Dobutsuken Newsletter 83 (2016) January issue Two species of bats confirmed in the tunnels near Urayama Dam Yushi Osawa, Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, and Setsuko Katsuta 
Mar. 2016 Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History 10:69-74   Winter ecology of the birdlike noctule (Nyctalus aviator) in Saitama Prefecture 2. The seasonal fluctuations of the numbers and aggregation and dispersal in a wintering place.  Akiyoshi Sato, Yushi Osawa, Keiko Osawa, and Setsuko Katsuta
Mar. 31, 2016 Saitama Konchu Danwakai Newsletter Yosegaki 161:9-12 First record of Ischnopsyllus needhami in Saitama Prefecture Setsuko Katsuta, Akiyoshi Sato, Yushi Osawa, Keiko Osawa, and Masahiko Ohno
May 2016 Nature of Kagoshima Vol.42:5-11  The Oriental free-tailed bat Tadarida insignis population found in the crevices of raised Shinkansen railway in Kagoshima Prefecture Kimitake Funakoshi, Akiyoshi Sato, Yushi Osawa, Keiko Osawa, and Ayaka Saeki
Jul. 31-Aug. 5, 2016 17th International Bat Research Conference Poster presentation "Four species of bats which roost in the crevices of raised Shinkansen railway in Japan Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, and Yushi Osawa 
Sep.23-26, 2016 Mammalogical Society of Japan Conference  Poster presentation"Four species of bats which roost in the crevices of raised Shinkansen railway in Japan Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, and Yushi Osawa
Dec. 20, 2016 Urban pest management6(2):91-95 Biology and behavior of bats in houses and buildings; how to live with them Keiko Osawa and Yushi Osawa 
Mar. 24, 2017 Bulletin of the Saitama Museum of Natural History 11:47-54    Confirmation of feeding and weather conditions for daytime flight of the birdlike noctule(Nyctalus aviator) Keiko Osawa, Akiyoshi Sato, Setsuko Katsuta, and Yushi Osawa 
Oct. 2017 Bulletin of the Kashiwazaki City Museum 31 113-116 Hibernating bat colonies in the crevices of raised Hokuriku Shinkansen Railway  Keiko Osawa and Yushi Osawa 
Bat talks, Bat walks
Aug. 1, 1998 Tokyo Zoo Net (Ueno Zoo) Bat and brown cicada emergence and metamorphosis watching, Bat talk Keiko Osawa
Oct. 14, 2000 Center for environmental science in Saitama Bat walk at the garden "Let' listen to the bat call" Yushi Osawa
Aug. 3, 2003 Tokyo Zoo Net (Ueno Zoo) Bat biology talk series "Fruit bat watching" Keiko Osawa
Aug. 1, 2004 Kashiwazaki City Museum (Niigata) Bat talk(Part of bat festival) "Bats are the closest wildlife" Yushi Osawa
Aug. 18, 2007 Saitama Nature Study Center Australia trip(Talk) Yushi Osawa
Apr. 6, 2008 Tama-rokuto Science Center (Tokyo) Bat talk: Bat, our neighborhood resident Yushi Osawa
May 6, 2008 Tama-rokuto Science Center (Tokyo) Bat talk and bat watching
Nov. 1-3, 2008 Saitama NACS-J (Nature conservation society of Japan) Sainokuni Naturalist Workshop and 424th nature watching leader workshop Instructor Yushi Osawa
May 6, 2009 Tama-rokuto Science Center (Tokyo) Bat talk and bat watching
Sep. 22-23, 2009 Tama-rokuto Science Center (Tokyo) Short bat talk(30th ssp exhibition related event) Yushi Osawa
Oct. 10, 2009 Mizumoto Kawasemi-no-sato (Tokyo) Bat talk and bat watching
May 4, 2010 Tama-rokuto Science Center (Tokyo)) Bat talk and bat watching
Jun. 20, 2010 Kuchinoerabu Island guide association (Kagoshima) Ryukyu flying foxes and bats around the world
Aug. 22, 2010 Urayasu sizenn marugoto tankentai Bat watching
Sep. 25, 2010 so-mo net (Hanno City, Saitama) Let' listen to bat calls
Sep. 26, 2010 Yatsu-higata Nature Observation Center (Chiba) Bat walk
Oct. 2, 2010 Mizumoto Kawasemi-no-sato (Tokyo) Bat talk and bat watching
Nov. 12-14, 2010 Saitama NACS-J (Nature conservation society of Japan) Sainokuni Naturalist Workshop and 447th nature watching leader workshop Instructor Yushi Osawa
Apr. 29, 2011 Bat talk Tokyo Zoo Net (Ueno Zoo) Fruit bat trip around the world Keiko Osawa
Photo exhibitions, bat themed exhibitions and filming
Jul.2-Sep.28, 2003 Ueno Zoo hall Bat festival exhibition: planning, making, preparation and set-up
2007 NHK Coordination to NHK filiming "Shizento asobo Pipistrelle Bat"
Jul. 21-Aug. 31, 2007 Norikura nature conservation center (Nagano) Bat festival exhibition, plannning, making, preparation and set-up
Aug. 17-26, 2007 Saitama Nature Study Center Photo exhibition of Australian wildlife trip
Jan. 22-Feb. 3, 2008 Second Omiya Park Gallery Photo exhibition of Australian wildlife trip
Mar. 22-May 11, 2008 Tama-rokuto Science Center (Tokyo) Spring special exhibition "Bats our neighborhood resident"
July 24-30, 2008 Olympus Gallery (Tokyo) Photo exhibition "Australia wildlife trip"
Aug. 2-Sep. 30, 2008 Bat festival in Okinawa Kids Discovery Foundation Zoo Bat festival exhibition: Planning, making, preparation and set-up
Apr. 28-Jul. 31, 2009 Saitama River Museum Mini exhibition at a slope Mini Exhibition: Secret world of bats Planning and set-up
May 4-Nov. 4, 2009 Aquamarine Fukushima Special exhibition "Ryukyu arc: trip to the islands on the black current 7th Fruit bats on southern islands" Supervisor and Photo credit
Jul. 1-Aug. 31, 2009 Amihari visitor center (Iwate) Bat festival exhibition "The secret world of bats:flying mammals": planning, making. preparation and set-up
2010 NHK Collaborator of NHK program "Darwin-ga-kita Australian hot summer ordials of giant bats"
Jul. 24-Aug. 31, 2010 Gassan visitor center (Yamagata) Spring special exhibition: Secret world of the only flying mammal:bats:" Planning and set-up
Sep. 7-Oct. 31, 2010 Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba Eco-garden topical exhibition "Bats in town"Planning and photo credit
Mar. 19-May 8, 2011 Saitama River Museue Spring special exhibition Spend your spring holidays with bats
Nov. 20, 1995 Fruit bats islands Yama-to-keikoku-sha Yushi Osawa + Keiko Osawa
Jul. 23, 1997 Nature guide of Minami-daito Island Border Inc Yushi Osawa and Keiko Osawa
Apr. 1, 1999 Our wildlife watching on Rota Island Yama-to-keikoku-sha Keiko Osawa and Yushi Osawa
Feb. 21, 2002 Bat Watching Book Jinrui-bunka-sha Coauthors Satoshi Kumagai, Akiko Mikasa, Yushi Osawa and Keiko Osawa
Jul. 24, 2012 Bat watching in our vicinity Seibundo-shinko-sha Yushi Osawa Keiko Osawa
Apr. 21, 2014 The mysterious bat life : Why do they fly? Seibundo-shinko-sha Osawa Keiko Yushi Osawa 
Nov. 30, 1999 World culuture guide "Micronesia" Travel Journal  (Write some parts, Some photos credit)
Aug. 1, 2005 Bat Biology and behavior Yasaka-shobou (Cotranslators)
Aug. 1, 2005 A Field Guide to the Bats of Japan Bunich-sogo-shuppan (Co-authors, Some photograph credit, English translation and editor)
Jul. 25, 2007 Bats in question Gijutu-hyoron-sha (Co-authors and some photograph credit)
May 22, 2011 A field guide to the bats of Japan Revised edition Bunich-sogo-shuppan (Co-authors)