A walk in Anuradhapura

January 12th
イスルムニア精舎のデマレルーセットオオコウモリToast, bananas and coffee were served as breakfast at Mahanela Guest House, which were not too bad but we wished it had been a Sri Lankan breakfast.

We went to Isurumuniya temple after breakfast by tok-tok again. As the bat cave entrance faced east we expected the cave would get the morning sun and might be brighter. But the sun had already moved from the best angle. We should have gotten there even earlier.

While we were there, suddenly something happened to the bat colony and some bats flew and landed near the cave entrance so fortunately we got a good view of bats. We had no idea what had actually disturbed the colony.

Same as yeasterday, we could find no tok-tok at the front of the temple. A Japanese tourist kindly invited us to ride in his tok-tok. He had chartered the tok-tok for 1500 rupees for a half day tour. The tok-tok driver asked us for 200 rupees to take us to the town center.

サモサ類We got off the tok-tok on the main road of the town and entered a restaurant. The inside of the restaurant was dim with gas lights, as presumably they had had a blackout. This restaurant served all kinds of food on a tray and we took some and paid for what we ate. We had four samosas, a 1 liter bottle of water and a 500ml bottle of pepsi which cost 290 rupees altogether.

The triangular ones are vegetable samosas which come either baked or fried.
The spring rolls have beef inside.
Our favorite ones are round croquettes which have crushed beans inside.

湖の畔で洗濯をするWe visited a tank nearby late afternoon. Some people were washing their clothes, others were taking a bath.
We went to Anuradhapura station. There were no shops around the station. Only several tok-tok were waiting for passengers. We bought tickets for the intercity train for the airport the day after tomorrow.

We walked to the old town and bought some food for dinner. Two pieces of roti with curry sauce, noodles, a deep fried boiled egg and two pieces of chicken, which cost 370 rupees.

The round cookies on the right cost 45 rupees.

We found a middle-sized fruit bat which presumably was Leschenault's Rousette in front of the Guest House. But after we rushed inside and brought out a camera, it had gone.

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